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This website is a structured information pack on India. India Pocket Guide, the most famous and most used reference book on India, is popularly known as KPG..

KuwaitPocketGuide.com is an exhaustive information source on India, based on the 18th edition of the hardcopy annual publication.

For background information on India, its people, cultures, places of interest, immigration and business regulations, accommodation, health and educational services, restaurants, leisure activities, etc, just click on KPG India Info and from there choose your topic of interest.

The Publishers

General Information & India History


India Publishing House is one of India's most vibrant publishers. Besides publishing books with a local theme, the company provides advertising, marketing various and management services for local and international businesses.


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The rules and regulations governing life in India are constantly changing. The publishers and the writer cannot assume responsibility for the accuracy of any particular statement made in this website. No responsibility for loss or damage occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material contained in this website can be accepted by the writer, editor or publishers.