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INDIA is a major nation with global importance. With approximately 3,287,000 km² of land area, it ranked seventh in the world and second most populous nation after China. The present population is 1.2 billion (Census 2011).

India's origin dates back to the prehistoric times, when it is best represented by the Indus valley civilization during the second century B.C. The region was home to numerous empires and sultanates, including the Magadha Kingdom (Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire) and the Mughal Empire. It endured nearly 200 years of British colonial rule; which culminated into independence in 1947 and subsequent partition into India, East Pakistan and West Pakistan, Immediately after independence, the country opted for socialist approach in its social and economic growth. It was largely agrarian economy with state control over major industry and economic networking. Aspiration for transition from deprived to developed economy has been difficult to come by. Economic situation began to deteriorate and in the eighties and nineties the situation became aggravated. In early ninety, India experience huge crisis in its balance of payment. The current account situation was so miserable that India could only finance few weeks of import. In the awake of the emerging crisis, India transformed into liberal economy and pressed forward with economic reform measures. Key components of liberalization were the relaxation of regulations on industrial licenses, active utilization of foreign capital, reform of trading systems, depreciation of since economic liberalization, the two decadal journeys have created lots of recognition for India. Although the achievement is much limited than China but India too has created its own niche of development. Democracy, growth and equity are very kernel to India’s development. It is a union of states and Union Territories which enjoys economic and political freedom. Recently, 29th state of India, Telangana, was established on June 2, 2014. The new state was created by separating Andhra Pradesh Administrative system on the figure below is that before the separation of Telangana State.