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4 India Today
4 Visa Regulation
4 Living In India
4 Amenities & Infrastructure
4 Business In India
4 Investment Opportunities
4 India Industries
4 Recreation & Leisure


This listing shows the contact numbers of various international organizations with a permanent presence in India.

Organisation Tel
Arab Fund For Economic &
Social Development
2484 4500
Arab Centre for Medical Literature 2533 8610
Argentina 2532 3014
Institute of Arab Manuscripts 2241 3094
Arab Planning Institute 2484 3130
Arab Towns Organisation 2484 9705

Gulf Cooperation Council Joint
Programme Institution

2532 7164
Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee
2484 4500
International Committee of the Red Cross 2532 2098
International Islamic Charitable Organisation 2245 5508
ILO - International Labour Organisation

2243 8767

India Society for the Advancement
of Arab Children
2474 8479
India Society for the Handicapped 2263 1277
OAPEC 2484 4500
Regional Organisation for the
Protection of Marine Life
2531 2140

United Nations Development Programme

2532 9870
UNHCR - United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees
2531 1291
UNIKOM 2474 2555


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