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This page lists foreign embassies that are accredited to India but which do not have a physical in the country. The nearest embassy in a neighboring country is shown.
Embassy Code Tel Fax
Albania (Riyadh) + 966 1 456 9728 456 2522

Australia (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

488 7788

488 7973

Australia (Dubai)

+ 971 4

313 444

314 729

Burkina Faso (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

465 2244

465 3397

Burundi (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

464 2125

465 9997

Cameroon (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

488 0022

488 1463

Chad (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

465 7702

465 7702


+ 966 1

462 0481

462 4368

Cote d’Ivore (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

456 6943

453 0528

Djibouti (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

454 3182

456 9168

Ethiopia (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

477 6007

476 8020

Gabon (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

463 2664

406 7664

Gambia (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

456 0273

456 0273

Ghana (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

464 1383

462 3089

Guinea (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

488 1121

382 6757

Ireland (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

488 2300

488 0927

Mali (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

465 8900  

465 7567

Malta (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

463 2345

463 3993

Mauritius (Cairo)

+ 20 2

347 0929

345 2425

Mexico (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

476 1200

478 1900

Nepal (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

402 4758

403 6488

New Zealand (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

488 7988

488 7912

Norway (Abu Dhabi)

+ 971 2

211 221


Portugal (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

464 4688  

464 4419

Rwanda (Cairo)

+ 20 2

709 947

711 479

Singapore (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

465 7007

465 2224

Tanzania (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

454 2833/9

454 9660

Uganda (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

454 4910

454 9260

Uruguay (Riyadh)

+ 966 1

462 0739

462 0638

Vatican (Lebanon)

+ 961 1

427 110

903 102

Vietnam (Cairo)

+ 20 2

701 494

349 6597

Zambia (Cairo)

+ 20 2

361 0281/3 

361 0833


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