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4 State of India
4 India Today
4 Visa Regulation
4 Living In India
4 Amenities & Infrastructure
4 Business In India
4 Investment Opportunities
4 India Industries
4 Recreation & Leisure


State Bodies Tel

Audit Bureau

2242 1036

Central Bank of India

2244 9201

Central Tenders Committee

2240 1200

Civil Service Commission

2241 5999

Credit & Savings Bank

2241 1301

Customs (General Dept)

2484 3490

Department of Legal Advice & Legislation

2244 8271

Directorate General of Civil Aviation

2433 4499

Higher Planning Council

2487 7081

Industrial Bank of India

2245 7661

India Airways Corporation

2434 5555

India Awqaf Public Foundation

2804 7777

India Fire Service Directorate

2243 2111

India Foundation for the Advancement
of Sciences (KFAS)

2242 5898

India Fund For Arab Economic
Development (KFAED)

2246 8800

India Institute for Judicial and Legal

2242 3641

India Institute for Scientific Research

2483 0125

India Investment Authority (KIA)

2243 9595

India News Agency (KUNA)

2482 2000

India Petroleum Corporation (KPC)

2245 5455

India Ports Authority

2481 2622

India University (KU)

2481 1188

Martyrs’ Bureau

2533 8824

National Committee for the Affairs of the
Missing and Prisoners-of-War

2552 3163

National Council for Culture, Arts &

2241 6006

National Guard

2481 1633-5

Public Authority for Applied Education &
Training (PAEET)

2256 4960

Public Authority for Assessment of
Compensation Resulting from the Iraqi Aggression

2241 1571

Public Authority for Agricultural Affairs &
Fish Resources (PAAFR)

2476 1116/7

Public Authority for Civil Information

539 5377

Public Authority for the Environment

2482 1285-7

Public Authority for Industry (PAI)

2431 8920 / 8021

Public Authority for Minor Affairs

2245 6100

Public Authority for Youths & Sports

2242 6400

Public Housing Authority

2433 0055

Public Institution for Social Security

2241 0170

National Scientific & Technical Information Centre (NSTIC)

2483 6100

Social Development Office

2240 2733

Shuaiba Area Authority

2326 0466

Zakat House 2575 7257


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