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This page lists foreign embassies and consulates with a physical presence in India. If you cannot find your countries name on this list, then it is likely that your government does not have an embassy in India. However it may have an embassy in a nearby country which handles relationships with India. To check, click on Regional Foreign Embassies.

Embassy Tel Tel Fax
Afghanistan 2532 9461 2532 8156 2532 6274
Algeria 2251 9220   2251 9497
Argentina 2532 3014   2532 3053
Austria 2255 2532 2253 2761 22563052
Bahrain 2531 8530   2533 0882
Bangladesh 2531 6042 2531 6043 2531 6041


2572 2014   2574 8389
Bhutan 2533 1506 2533 1528 2533 8959
Bosnia & Herzegovina 2539 2637   2539 2106
Brazil 2532 8610   2256 2153
Bulgaria 2531 4458   2532 1453
Canada 2256 3025   2256 4167
China 2533 3340   2533 3341
Cyprus 2243 3075   2240 2971
Czech 2252 9018   2252 9021
Denmark 2534 1005   2534 1007
Egypt 2251 9956   2256 3877
Ethiopia 2533 4291 2533 4291 2533 1179
Eritrea 2531 7426   2531 7429
Finland 2531 2890   2532 4198
France 2257 1061  

2257 1058

Germany 2252 0827   2252 0763
Greece 2481 7101   2481 7103
Hungary 2532 3901   2532 3904
India 2253 0600   2252 5811
Indonesia 2483 9927   2481 9250
Iran 2256 0694   252 9868
Italy 2481 7400   481 7244
Japan 2531 2870   2532 6168
Korea 2533 9601   2531 2459
Lebanon 2256 2103   2257 1682
Libya 2257 5183   2257 5182
Malaysia 2534 2091   2534 1783
Mauritania 2531 2943   2532 7245
Morocco 2531 2980 2531 2981 2531 7423
Netherlands 2531 2650   2532 6334
Niger 2565 2943   2564 0478
Nigeria 2532 0794   2532 0834
Oman 2256 1956   2256 1963
Pakistan 2532 7651   2532 8013
Philippines 2532 9316

2532 9318

2532 9319
Poland 2531 1571   2531 1576
Qatar 2251 3606   2251 3604


2484 5079   2484 8929
Russia 2256 0427   2252 4969

Saudi Arabia

2240 0250   2242 0654
Senegal 2257 3477   2254 2044

2539 4795

  2539 4829

South Africa

2561 7988   2561 7917
Spain 2532 5827   2532 5826
Sri Lanka  2533 9140   2533 9154
Sweden  2252 3588   2257 2157
Switzerland 2534 0172 2534 0175

2534 0176

Syria 2539 6560   2539 6509
Thailand 2531 7530  

2531 7532

Tunisia 2252 6261  

2252 8995

Turkey 2253 1785   2256 0653
UAE 2252 8544   2252 6382
UK 2240 3336   2242 6799
USA 2539 5307

2539 5308

2538 0282
Venezuela 2532 4367   2532 4368
Yugoslavia 2532 7548   2532 7568
Zimbabwe 2562 1517   2562 1491


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